Dienstag, 4. September 2012

D&D Pointbuy Variants

Overview about the variants of ability generation in different editions of D&D (or D&D-inspired games).

AD&D First Edition
Method 1
Roll 4d6, drop one die. Do this 6 times, assign scores freely.
Method 2
Roll 3d6 12 times, drop 6 scores, assign scores freely.
Method 3
Roll 3d6 6 times, keep highest score. Do this 6 times, assign scores in order.
Method 4
Roll 3d6 6 times for one array. Do this 12 times, select one array, assign scores in order.

Neverwinter Nights Computer Game
30 points to spend

Star Wars Saga
25 points to spend

Low: 10 points, Standard: 15 points, High: 20 points, Epic: 25 points

Athenaes Siegel Vereinsturnier
35 points to spend

"Wolfgangs Methode"
Roll 8d6, drop two dice. From the remaining dice, generate two scores by assigning three dice to one score respectively. Do this two more times to get a total of six scores (a score set). During the process of generating one set, you have one re-roll.
Generate three sets and choose one. Distribute scores freely.

D&D 4th Edition
Method 1 (Standard Array)
Method 2 (Pointbuy)
Starting array: 8,10,10,10,10,10
22 points to spend
- (1)0 (2)1235791216
Method 3 (Random)
Roll 4d6, drop one die. Do this 6 times, assign scores freely. Total of ability modifiers before racial adjustment are recommended to be between +4 and +8.

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